Google Cloud: Student Success Services
25 September 2021
The shift to remote learning at all levels of education has thrown the challenges of ensuring student success and the student experience into sharp focus:
- Educational institutions want to guide students throughout their academic careers and improve graduation rates
- Students want better remote learning options and ways to collaborate with peers and seek advice from instructors
There is a wealth of data that could drive decisions about these needs, but it’s often locked away in legacy technologies.
Google Cloud have launched Student Success Services to help meet these challenges. Student Success Services is a set of tools that aims to unlock student successes with personalized assistants, real-time insights, collaboration tools and more for higher ed and K-12 learners. Using built-in artificial intelligence (AI) models and analytics to gather data and use it for decision-making, this bundle of services benefits both institutions and students by engaging students, improving remote and in-person learning, and creating a modern, fulfilling student experience.
Contact Sparkle to discover more about Google Cloud Student Success Service and the benefits of the OCRE Cloud Framework for Research & Education Institutions!
Read here the full article by Mike Daniels, Vice President Global Public Sector at Google Cloud
Contact Sparkle to discover more about Google Cloud Student Success Service and the benefits of the OCRE Cloud Framework for Research & Education Institutions